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AbstractProcessorLight. processAbstractProcessorLight. java:65at org. apache. coyote. AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler. The motivation of using an OFDM signal is that it improves matlab programming target detectability from matlab programming interfering signals by expanding matlab programming frequency diversity of matlab programming system. However, due to matlab programming addition of one extra dimension when it comes to frequency, matlab programming adaptive degrees of freedom in an OFDM STAP also increases. Therefore, to bypass matlab programming construction matlab fully adaptive OFDM STAP, we grow matlab sparsity based STAP set of rules. We examine that matlab programming interference spectrum is inherently sparse in matlab programming spatio temporal domain,more as matlab programming clutter responses occupy only matlab diagonal ridge on matlab programming spatio temporal plane and matlab programming jammer alerts interfere only from matlab few spatial directions. Hence, we exploit that sparsity to develop an effective STAP method that utilizes considerably lesser variety of secondary data in contrast to matlab programming other current STAP methods, and produces nearly most effective STAP functionality. In addition to designing matlab programming STAP filter, we optimally design matlab programming transmit OFDM indicators by maximizing matlab programming output signal to interference plus noise ratio SINR so as to improve matlab programming STAP functionality.